French Interior Design By Our International Interior Designers Santa Monica

A Split Between Town And Country… Even the briefest of perusals into the beauty of French interior design soon reveals a chasm between the town and the country. Whether it is the sleek elegance of the Parisian apartment or the rustic charm of a French farm house, there is a choice to be made about which French style to plump for. But if you follow the advice of our international Interior Designers Santa Monica, you might be able to mix them craftily if you can’t decide.
Monochrome is great, but in Paris, no one is scared of color! The one thing that our international Interior Designers Santa Monica have noticed about the French look – be it traditional or modern – is that color is nothing to be afraid of. Now this doesn’t mean wall to wall screaming bright migraines– but just that stabs of bold color – be they brilliant red or black, which don’t seem to be out of favor in the more modern French apartments.